
NimbusPRESENTS: Stage Door Series | ONLINE

Date: Saturday, March 13, 2021

Time: 7:00 pm E.D.T.

Pass the Baton!

How do you build a small dance collective into a thriving arts organization? What happens behind the scenes and in the board meetings? Why do decisions get made (or challenged!)?

Join Nimbus Director of Operations, Justin Cosmé-Perez, on Zoom as he gets the inside scoop from four generations of Nimbus board presidents on what it takes to build a small contemporary dance collective into the largest dance-based arts center in New Jersey; covering everything from art to community to real estate – stories of politics, passion, and friendship

On the panel:

Samuel Pott (Nimbus Founding Artistic Director, Board President 2008-2012)

Henry Faulkner (Board President 2017-2018)

Jennifer Morrill (Board President 2018-2020)

Wendy Paul (Incoming Board President 2021)


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